Last update: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM
(originally sent 26.10.2001) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi there, see below: It will take just another 3 years until Vietnam is doing, what other countries in the region are doing since long. Vietnam will just loose again one chance to catch up. If I am a foreign business man and able to establish a relation with a SEA company NOW, why should I look for another one in 2004, when finally Vietnamese can compete? They will not only come too late, but will also lack several years of experience, which the companies in the other countries gained until then. And why? Do the other countries have more eCommerce regulations than Vietnam? No. Is their Internet technology that much better than in Vietnam? No. Are their companies allowed to do business, even if that includes some risk? Yes. Are Vietnamese companies allowed to do that? No. Stefan Wide e-commerce application unlikely before 2004 At a seminar on e-commerce held during the 10th IT week run in Ha Noi recently, Government officials told participants that there had not been any detailed roadmap for developing e-commerce in Vietnam to date. Therefore, the intention to develop and apply e-commerce widely in Vietnam will not be translated into reality before 2004. Although an e-commerce development project has been submitted to the Government for consideration, it does not contain any clear steps to develop the sector, as it was only worked out to make preparations for Vietnam to join the region e-ASEAN project, officials revealed. The Ministry of Trade is presently co-ordinating with the Ministry of Justice to map out an e-commerce development plan, and the Government is expected to pass a decree and issue regulations on this by the end of 2003. However, businesses are encouraged to participate in developing e-commerce in Vietnam rather than wait until detailed regulations on this are issued./.
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