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Last update:
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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Procedure Proposal

Hello Joakim,

this is good news! :)

And thanks for updating the link to the new test page of the Unicode WG. We
should keep the old version of the test page in place (i.e. uploaded where
it is now), just in case somebody still has an old link to it.

I have been thinking about how to go on with updating the site.
If each and every update and new page has to be done by you (Website WG),
then things get slow, prone to misunderstandings, etc.
If everybody just updates the own pages, then we would need to teach
everybody about latest standards, and we get "sync problems" like we had
last time: I was editing a page without clearly informing you, you did
something on your side and uploaded again - overwriting my updates.

My proposal to solve this:

Every page on the site is "owned" by somebody. The "main pages" would be
owned by somebody of the website WG, most (all?) of a WG's pages would be
owned by the "web editor" of the WG. The responsibility would be shown by
an invisible comment at the begin of every page (or in a header meta tag).
If the WG's web editor wants to update a page, he would inform you, that
the page is "blocked", so that you don't make updates while he is working
on it. He would then download the current version from the website and edit
it. Finally he would send the page to you (the responsible one in the
Website WG) to check for standards, compliance with our style etc. and you
would then upload the edited page.
At the same time, you would inform the translation team in the WG to take
care about the "sister page".

Quite the same would happen for new pages. For this, you could make empty
"templates" which can be used. There might be a template in each folder
(provided by the Website WG), so that the links are ok.

Everybody: Does this sound reasonable? Other ideas? Suggestions for


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