Internet Society Vietnam Website

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Last update:
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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Re: We are on the W3C page

Now this is good news!



At 16:59 03.04.2002 +0700, Joakim_lofkvist wrote:
>Thanks to Mr. Nguyen Van Binh we now have some translations of W3C WAI
>(Web Accessibility Initiative) in Vietnamese. It is a small but important
>step in order to get some attention to these matters in Vietnam.
>The QuickTips are coming up soon W3C tells me.
>We will of course link to these pages from our own site.
>I think that it is important for Vietnam to have some translation up on
>these pages. In one way because it is important for Vietnamese people to
>read them but also to show that something is going on. If we show interest
>W3C might think about us the next time and then we have won something.
>Also check out our websites Vietnamese version. It is changing fast into
>Unicode (utf-8) and also into Vietnamese :-) (some pages was before only
>in English).
>Thank you all for helping out!
>More ideas about Website development and or translation is welcomed.
>Joakim Löfkvist

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