Internet Society Vietnam Website

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Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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Re: [WG-Website] some information about our website

It is useful to know new tags. Where can we find a comparative
chart of browsers/versions with new tags so we can stay
cross-platform while we explore new ideas.
Thanks Joakim!!! Vern

> Joakim_lofkvist wrote:
> HELLO WEBSITE WORK GROUP! (this e-mail is in UTF-8)
> I would like to inform you about some of the latest developments on our website.
> 1. We will start to use the <acronym> tag in order to make acronym like ISOC and UNDP more understandable. This is an example of
> how to use it:
> <acronym title="United Nations Development Program">UNDP</acronym>
> You can see the result if you use a new browser that supports it like Mozilla 0.9.9. It usually becomes highlighted
> (underscored) and if you put the pointer on it the text will be showed.
> In the beginning it will be used the first time the word appears. Any suggestions about using <acronym>?
> 2. We have put in the attribute title="" in all the navigation. Some browsers use the attribute title="" to show the alternative
> text and some use alt="" (which is used on images). This is mainly to make the site more browser independent.
> Any comments and tips are welcomed here?
> 3. Why is the Vietnamese pages in Unicode but not the English ones?
> Because I am lazy! We have not yet put any effort into this because English characters are well taken care of by all browsers
> and other features. We will though make a change later on to make a statement that we use Unicode on every page on our site.
> 4. What do we do next?
> I am looking on to the possibility to make a automatic conversion from XHTML to WML for waptelephones. The tests I am doing now
> is OK but not good enough. Do anyone of you have any experience in this field?
> Regards,
> Joakim Löfkvist
> address: no 20 Tong Duy Tan, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi
> e-mail:
> tfn home: +84 49 285856, tfn mobil: +84 91 3009086

Vern Weitzel (Mr.), Webmanager
<> or <>
United Nations Development Programme
address: 25-29 Phan Boi Chau; Ha Noi, Viet Nam
postal address:
UNDP Viet Nam One UN Plaza New York, NY 10017 USA
UNDP Viet Nam Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva Switzerland
UNDP Viet Nam GPO Box 618 Bangkok, 10501 Thailand
tel: +84-4 942-1495 (ext 135) fax: +84-4 942-2267 and
home address: Apartment 504, Block A4 Giang Vo
[opposite UN Int. School] tel: +84-4 846-1751
"Partnerships to Fight Poverty"

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