Internet Society Vietnam Website

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Last update:
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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VN Webdesign Tutorials

Hello All,

once Giang is finished with the initial translation of the webpages, i.e.
the VN version is more-or-less up-to-date, then I propose that Giang has a
look through bookstores to search for Vietnamese webdesign tutorials.

Maybe first an overview
(title, author, publishing date, number of pages, price).

Depending on the total cost, we might suggest whether UNDP could buy them -
for their library.

Giang would then buy them, one by one, look through it, and review them:
- target (beginner to advanced, young to adult)
- demonstrated tools (i.e. what programs)
- covered subjects (only basics or also dynamic pages, etc.)
- accessibility issues included?
(for people with disabilities, slow modems, etc.)
- easy of reading etc.
- license (i.e. would it be possible to put the book online?)
- other

We would publish those results on our website - section web tutorials.

I think, there is real demand for this.
There will be soon competitions for "amateurs" to design webpages. I am
working together with Thai on it. Those beginners will need tutorials...

What do you think?
What are your other next tasks for Giang?


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