Internet Society Vietnam Website

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Last update:
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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Re: [WG-Website] Mozilla release

At 19:27 19.06.2002 +0000, you wrote:
>I hope that you all have seen that Mozilla 1.0 have been released! It took
>a couple of years but I think the browser as well as the composer (web
>editor) is really good. I have no idea how far gone the Vietnamese
>translation is but maybe some of you know that.
>A link to Mozilla:

The present Mozilla Version 1.0 is the best Browser for Vietnamese Unicode.
But still it has some minor problems. I submitted many weeks ago a Bug
report and am waiting that they work on it. Maybe in version 1.1?
As far as I know, T.M.Thanh is in a group working on the translation.

>What are we doing right now? We are working on a Sitemap, a page for
>sponsors and some translations of W3C documents.
>Please reply to this e-mail if you are interested in helping out!

I would like to thank all the members of the WG and encourage you.
The website is an integral part of our work.
It serves as
- advertising to get new members
- archive to document past activities (which might be e.g. important when
applying for our license)
- library to provide our material, e.g. on accessibility
- advertising to attract some funds from donors

I hope also, that over time we find enough people so that we are able to
split the WG into one which purely cares about our own site (the
WG-Website), and some people who provide the knowledge, translations,
advice etc. for other webmasters (the WG-Accessibility).

I think, we are the first and best group in Vietnam to care about those
issues, and it adds very much value to ISOC-VN.
We should use this outstanding position to get more people on board and to
educate the public. Just have e.g. a look at
This site promotes a webdesign competition, but is not accessible at all.
Do we have already enough Vietnamese content on our website, so that
somebody who is not aware of the issues at all, can start to learn? Can we
point e.g. the designer of the pages above to an URL on our website and
invite him to go through in order to learn why and how to make his site
more accessible?


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