Internet Society Vietnam Website

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Last update:
Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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Re: ISOC Vietnam: Membership

Dear Shane,

very happy to read you....

In brief:
We are right now trying to get legally established in Vietnam. I hope that
this is over in a few months. It's not that easy to establish a
not-for-profit here.

Main face-to-face activities have until now been in Hanoi, since we know
more people who are active here. However, our next acivity/event is overdue ;)

Regarding translation: this mail goes in cc to our WG-Website, so Joakim
can contact you directly.

One question: Do you have any contacts/knowledge regarding machine
translation for Vietnamese?

Also, do you plan to visit at some time Hanoi? I would be very happy to
meet you....

Cheers for now,


At 16:31 16.07.2002 +0700, you wrote:
>Dear Stefan,
> I was interested to find the ISOC VN website, and wish to participate.
> I have joined ISOC Global already. I'm located in Ho Chi Minh City, and
> have been living here for 2 1/2 years. My background is in languages, and
> especially the fusion of languages with technology. This field reaches
> into every part of the Internet where language is used, and ranges from
> ALT tags to XML, AI to UI and everything in between.
> Given my professional work, I have an interest in virtually all of the
> WGs activities. I am also a zealous evangelist for another important area
> which is currently not covered - Usability (although accessibility is a
> big part of usability). However, since I have been a VN-EN translator for
> over a decade, I suspect my most effective contribution can be in this area.
> I am more than willing to help out with the translation work, so where
> do we go from here?
>Warm regards,
>Shane Wall
>Director, Trans Lingual Express
>#301 Me Linh Point Tower,
>Ngo Duc Ke St., D.1,
>Ho Chi Minh City,
>Tel: +84 8 825 8310 Ext: 2129
>Fax: +84 8 825 8311
>Mobile: +84 9 0822 5997

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