Internet Society Vietnam Website

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Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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Re: Vietnamese web aesthetics

Hello Evan,

Technically, Vietnamese Websites are often characterized by
1) lots of Macromedia Flash
2) breaking down even comparable small images into even smaller ones
(see e.g.
3) lots of bells and whistles - although download speeds are very low.
4) a dominance of .asp and few .php

In terms of style, I am not so sure.
Maybe somebody from our website WG has an idea.


At 10:12 15.08.2002 -0700, you wrote:

>I am currently researching how cultural identities/preferences manifest
>themselves on websites from various countries. Your website has been an
>invaluable source of information for giving me a picture of the current
>state of the internet in Vietnam. I was wondering if you knew of any
>information resources that described "overall web aesthetics" or
>nationalist trends to choose certain colors, symbols, photos (or lack
>thereof), etc. Perhaps you yourself or members of your organization have
>insight/input on this topic as well.
>Thank you very much,
>Evan Norman

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