Internet Society Vietnam Website

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Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:15 PM

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W3C news and ISOC website


In this mail I will update you all with some W3C news and also what´s going
on at the ISOC Vietnam website.

* ISOC Website

We now have some sponsorpages up and running. All pages are under revision
and if some of you have some ideas about improvement please send them to
this mailinglist!

Some translations of W3C documents is going on. Please see the ISOC Vietnam
W3C page ( Is this
something that you want to participate in? Translation I mean!

** W3C News (last three months)

Amaya 6.4 Released

Amaya is W3C's Web browser and authoring tool. Version 6.4 features
Finnish dialogs by Tisza Daniel and a new revision of German pages and
dialogs by Rudolf Troeller. Download Amaya binaries for Solaris, Linux,
and Windows. Source code is available. If you are interested in
annotations, visit the Annotea home page.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Working Draft Published

22 August 2002: The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
Working Group has released a Working Draft of the "Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 2.0." Following WCAG checkpoints makes Web
content accessible to people with disabilities, and to a variety of
Web-enabled devices, such as phones, handhelds, kiosks, and network
appliances. Read about the Web Accessibility Initiative.

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Last Call Published

21 August 2002: The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
has released "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0" as a Last Call
Working Draft. Comments are welcome through 18 September. Written for
developers of user agents, the guidelines lower barriers to Web
accessibility for people with disabilities (visual, hearing,
physical, cognitive, and neurological). The companion "Techniques"
Working Draft is also updated. Read about the Web Accessibility

Anything else? Send any questions to this mailinglist!


Joakim Löfkvist

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